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Home of #Innovationskunst
Nuremberg Metropolitan Region

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Designing the future by technology, together.

We strive to be the most innovative region in Europe and to inspire those who want to design the future with technology to live and work in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region. Above-average patents registered, a high employment rate in science-intensive and innovative industries as well as an outstanding research ecosystem make the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region one of the most dynamic and innovative regions in Europe. This is an ideal basis for creativity and innovation, as renowened research institutions, internationally respected universities and high-tech companies work together successfully. Even historically, the region is the nucleus of groundbreaking innovations, such as Behaim's globe, Dürer's theory of proportions, Henlein's pocket watch or the MP3 format. 

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About us

Since 2018, the "Innovationskunst" association is representing the interests and goals of technology-leading companies and research institutions in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region. The focus is on increasing international visibility as an innovative and attractive region and highlighting the opportunities for technologically related professions that are located here.

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Behind the innovations

The Nuremberg Metropolitan Region is scoring with double the power of thrust throughout Germany: on average, there are twice as many patents registered here as in entire Germany. Where do these ideas come from and how are they realised? In the innovation stories, the companies and research institutions give a glimpse behind the scenes and share where this innovative ideas are born and the people that are behind.

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Both the drive and the fuel for the "Innovationskunst" association are its partners. They are creating future by means of technology. These topics are consolidated under the umbrella of "Innovationskunst". Productive cooperation promotes efficiency, consolidates potential and boosts the image of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region. Find out here which partners are involved and what makes the network so successful.

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News & Events

You want to discover "Innovationskunst" live, get to know our partners or are interested in a career boost in the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region? Then discover these events in the region.

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Be part of it

The mission of the "Innovationskunst" association, which was launched in 2018, is to present the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region as the most innovative region in Germany, both nationally and across Europe. This will inspire technology enthusiasts to live and work in the region in the long term.

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