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App tip: The exciting way to search for apprenticeships or study places

Which parents don't know the challenge? Helping children find the right way to start their careers without being annoying with tips as a "smarty-pants old lady". The InnoHikes app makes the dialogue between the generations more relaxed - and more playful. What's more, attractive prizes such as an e-bike await the most successful players.

The Nuremberg Metropolitan Region's "InnoHikes" app combines the search for innovative facilities in the region with playful elements. An entertaining mix that imparts knowledge and at the same time highlights career opportunities. "I was fascinated by the app right from the start. I enjoy exploring the region. I look at the Innohikes map of the metropolitan region, check where I can still collect points and drive there with my husband, scan the QR code with my smartphone and get points for it," explains Gisela Weigel. The 68-year-old is currently in second place on the leaderboard with the user name "Gisi". She is not only competing with more than 3,000 other players for tickets and the main prize, but also with her own daughter Lena.

Mother and daughter compete for points in the leaderboard

"It's quite funny when I look over my mum's shoulder to find out what challenge she's going to do next. And of course this also leads to an exchange of ideas about study programmes or interesting employers. We recently discussed whether we would prefer to win the crane ride at Tadano or the Walk & Talk at Fraunhofer IISB," says the 31-year-old.

Maglev train, upcycled wood and craft management

Once you have successfully mastered the first quiz in the app, your user name moves up in the high score table. This is the starting signal for the hunt for points and the digital (in Coachpotato mode) and analogue journey (in Hiking mode) through the metropolitan region. Using a map, players can find further challenges that need to be mastered. In total, more than 30 companies, universities and research institutions will be presenting themselves with information and related questions such as: "What principle does STAEDTLER use to produce upcycled wood pencils?" The Chamber of Crafts HWK asks: "How long does the 'Crafts Management' trial degree programme take?" The City of Nuremberg presents information on mobility in the new district of Lichtenreuth and wants to know: "How many tram stops will there be here?"

Admittedly, the questions are not always easy, but if you read the short texts carefully, you will find out how long the test track of Max Bögl's magnetic levitation train in Sengenthal is and what the restructuring of the energy system in Wunsiedel was based on; what percentage of renewable energy supply the Siemens Campus Erlangen relies on and which technology plays a key role in the production of drive motors.

More than 300 quiz questions

More than 300 quiz questions await the players. And if you want to make it to the top of the leaderboard like "Gisi", you can visit the various events and so-called base camps in the region - such as in Weiherhammer at Luce, the LCC Fablab in Kronach or the "EUROPE DIRECT" office in the Wirtschaftsrathaus in Nuremberg. Interested parties can not only collect points by scanning a QR code, but also get in touch in person. An internship at the European Office of the City of Nuremberg, a new start at DATEV or studying at the Ohm? The InnoHikes manage the balancing act between serious business content and badges, which are awarded for special achievements and then end up in the digital hiking rucksack.

Supported by the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance and Home Affairs

The InnoHikes project contributes to the future competence of the entire region by getting young people excited about the many innovative facets of our home region," said Albert Füracker, Minister of Local History and Finance, at the launch of the app a year ago. His ministry is funding the project with around 300,000 euros.

"InnoHikes is an app that could not better showcase what makes this region so unique: the creative resources between our ears," explains Prof Dr Klaus L. Wübbenhorst, Chairman of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region.

Virtual welding: instant prizes at the Josephs innovation lab

Instant prizes can be collected from the Josephs Open Innovation Lab at Augustinerstraße 19 in Nuremberg. Players can enjoy free coffee and a large selection of gifts from the participating organisations, such as bags, pens and vouchers for virtual welding. "The players who come to Basecamp love the app. As an innovation lab and partner of InnoHikes, we try to use our strength of product development based on user analyses to continuously improve the app," explains Josephs Managing Director Prof. Dr Claudia Lehmann.

Main prizes and networking at the closing event on 13 June in Nuremberg

Project manager Jenny Manger adds: "That's what makes this app so appealing: Playfully expanding career horizons and knowledge about the region, prizes and the opportunity to network as a player:in with the people behind the facilities. And at the final event on 13 June at Josephs in Nuremberg, the players will have the chance to talk to marketing and HR staff from the participating partners in a relaxed atmosphere." The main prizes will be awarded there: Apple Ipad Air, season tickets for the Summer Night Film Festival in Nuremberg, a tour of the magnetic levitation train at Max Bögl, exclusive factory tours or merchandise packages. The main prize is an e-mountainbike from Multicycle Cube Stores. Players can also collect extra points on the spot in the shops in Erlangen and Nuremberg.

No user data is collected

Important: As the app does not collect any personal data, players must register for the final event and the competition in order to take part in the prize draw. The reason: "We don't collect personal data like the big online portals do," explains project manager Jessica Schönfeld. "All you have to do to play is enter a user name and you're ready to go. Only those who want to win have to register with their full name to be able to take part in the prize draw."

An overview of all partners can be found on the following website:



Opening hours JOSEPHS:

Wednesday to Friday: 12-19 h

Saturday and Sunday: 10 am to 5 pm

Just like "Gisi" Weigel and her daughter Lena, hundreds of players are currently exploring the region in the hybrid scavenger hunt app InnoHikes, collecting points and thus increasing their chances of winning the main prize, an e-mountainbike. The bike is currently adorning the Josephs innovation lab at Augustinerstraße 19 in Nuremberg, where extra points are waiting for the players and instant prizes can be collected from the app.

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